I think that everyone who loves music, and everyone who doesn't, has a favorite artist. One band, musician, or manufactured pop group that for reasons unknown speaks to their very soul. That one, that singular, constant love in my life is Kristin Hersh.
So here's my deal. I grew up in the age of vinyl records, purchased many a cassette later, in say my junior high years, and then easily moved in to buying CDs while still maintaining my previous purchases. Yes, I still own cassettes. And I'm never selling/giving away/burning my vinyl. It's all lovingly preserved. It all used to be in alphabetical order by artist, then in order of release. It's not anymore, with husband and children touching and disorganizing. But it's all still there. And there is one band and musician that holds a still organized space, in a shiny red CD organizer. Throwing Muses and Kristin Hersh.

I can't explain everything I love about her-- a love that extends so far that when I met her in person, I was a little goofy and starstruck, the way that my best friend would be if she managed to meet Madonna. I love her painful, surreal lyrics. I love the gutteral noises she makes. I love her guitar playing and her almost husky voice. I love her lyrics and how they leave me wondering about what triggered them. Some of those mysteries were revealed, much to my geeky fangirl happiness, in her book
Rat Girl. I've read it like 10 times.
So back to me. I've downloaded a few things but not lots. I still love to hold things in my hand. I'm one of those people who still loves to smell new books. I love to explore liner notes, even if there's nothing but production credits there. So I've hardly played with Freegal. Some of my colleagues at the library might be horrified that I'm saying this out loud in a public forum but I didn't think I liked Freegal. Until. Today. I did a quick search and it turns out that Freegal has a few of Kristin's songs. Not lots but it's definitely made me more interested in exploring. One of the songs is a cover of Neil Young's Like a Hurricane, another is a cover of the Pixies' Wave of Mutilation. So hooray! There are a couple of her own songs there too. Points were scored by Freegal today.
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