Monday, September 23, 2013

Jim James - Regions of light and sound of God

I have written previously about music that triggers emotions or memories (in this post about Trip Hop), but I find myself revisiting this theme again as I ponder why I love Jim James' voice so much.

For those who aren't familiar with Jim James by name he is a songwriter and lead singer for the band My Morning Jacket. The library had recently acquired his solo album Regions of Light and Sound of God, an album which revisits a sound similar to My Morning Jacket's earlier albums. It is calm and methodical, focusing mainly on vocalization rather than intricate instrumentation. In my opinion, this album is more akin to the classic rock contemporaries like Eric Clapton and Van Morrison than to My Morning Jacket's dynamic sound, although Jim James' influence is clear in both.

And maybe that's why I'm such a fan of Jim James- I spent my childhood listening to my father's album collection and I've grown to appreciate it even more as I get older. As an artist Jim James does not rely on trend or technology to carry his music, although he does not totally eschew it either.

For those who would like to hear something a little reminiscent by a wonderful vocalist, I recommend Jim James' Regions of Light and Sound of God.

And if you're interested in My Morning Jacket check out their album Evil Urges.

Happy Listening!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! While I have not heard many My Morning Jacket or Jim James originals, I find that I really enjoy the many cover songs he performs. He did a lot of Bob Dylan on the "I'm Not There" soundtrack, and he has also done wonderful covers of John Prine and John Denver songs among others.


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