Friday, July 6, 2012

Endless Summers with the Beach Boys

It's nearly time for the Fourth of July, and what does that mean? Fireworks, hot dogs, surfing safari's, fun fun fun, and of course, Beach Boys. The group has been synonymous with summer and has been sending out good vibrations to music fans for 51 years. And in perfect timing, they have released a brand new album of all original music "That's Why God Made the Radio" which is available at your Pima County Public library. I have listened to it, and I LOVE IT! It's a time warp back in time. Even the cover is 60's style!

The fun, fun, fun of the Beach Boys story started in California with three brothers, Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson and their cousin Mike Love. They wrote over two dozen Top 40 hits and turned the Beach Boys music into the quintessential music of oceans, sand, relaxation, surfing, love and convertibles. There were good vibrations all around for the 1960s. At one point, country music legend Glen Campbell even played in the band, no doubt driving his little Deuce Coupe around California.

As the legend grew, the Beach Boys, like their British counterpart the Beatles, expanded musically and lyrically. This culminated in perhaps their finest album, the 1966 release "Pet Sounds" with an extraordinary amount of hit songs and psychedelic tunes that marked a departure from the world of tunes like "Barbara Ann." Audiences were treated to rock ballads like "Sloop John B" and "God Only Knows." Brian Wilson emerged as a lyrical genius, and the Beatles suggest that Sergeant Pepper would not have existed without this album.

The Beach Boys have released 30 albums. Which is a remarkable feat considering the toll the band took emotionally and physically in the 60's and 70's. Strife in the band, rampant drug use, and psychological breakdowns lead to problems. Brian Wilson came in and out of the band and leadership over the direction and style changed from within, but the Boys continued to sell-out concerts. They scored big with the greatest hits album "Endless Summer" and another giant single in the late 80's called "Kokomo."

Two of the Wilson brothers eventually passed on, but Brian teamed up with much of the original and early lineups of the band to release the 2012 smash hit album "That's Why God Made the Radio" which debuted at #3 on the billboards, higher than any Beach Boy album in history.  There is talk amongst the band of doing another album, and things are looking strong for the band that continue to "Get Around."

Be sure and check out all the wonderful Beach Boy albums in the library collection and also available for free download through Freegal.


  1. This is a great post. It is good to see you reference what a vital impact The Beach Boys really made on American Music. Most people don't give Brian Wilson the credit he deserves. Well done.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful compliment! Brian Wilson is indeed a musical genius in my humble opinion. I am glad this blog made an impact on you and I hope you enjoy the new CD and all their music as much as I do!! :)



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